My fiance and I originally wanted crystal champagne flutes for our wedding but the cost of it was around $300. o_O. Ummmm... I'm trying to save money here so my fiance came up with a great idea but involved a lot of labour work. E.W gave me a gift card to Home Sense for my bridal shower so I used it to buy plain champagne glasses. The champagne glasses came in a box of 6 which was fine because we could always use them when we have parties at home. Then we headed over to Michaels arts and craft store to find crystal gems, jewlerry glue + forceps. (& of course our 50% off coupon)( here's a tip: make your spouse go w/ you to Michaels so you can use 2 coupons!)
I glued each crystel gem to the stem of the champagne flutes. One at a time. Took me about 2 hours to finish each stem.
I am not quite finished with the champagne flutes yet. The glue made all the crystals dull so my fiance is using rubbing alcohol to remove the glue that's on top of the crystal gems and making them shiny.
This looks like a fun idea!